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Monday, February 23, 2009


I keep picking at this scab,
Wondering why it won't heal,
Knowing very well it's because
I keep picking at this scab.

Why can't I stop?
Why can't I just leave it alone?
Why won't it heal?
Why won't I allow it to heal?
Why do I keep picking at this scab?

It's worse now than when
It was simply a wound.
It began to heal.
It covered itself up.
I could have been done with it
If I just didn't pick at the scab.

Now it's a habit.
I pick at it without even knowing.
I don't even let it scab over anymore.
Constant. Incessant.
I just want to stop.

I just want to stop.


  1. I like this, because I relate to it. I have several "picked scab" scars on my body where I should have left well enough alone. In order to stop my fingers straying to one of them, I had to resort to a Band-Aid (aka sticking plaster, for a UK generic translation). What could be a metaphorical Band-Aid for your scabs?

  2. Sticking plaster? That sounds like I'm fixing a crack in a wall.

    That is an interesting idea, though. What would be a metaphorical adhesive medical strip?
