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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Unihump Heart

"Can I interest you in our Valentine's Day clearance items?" the clerk said with fake enthusiasm.

Bill was caught off guard and stood puzzled for a moment, "It's nearly April, but I guess I could buy a small surprise for my wife. Do you have any heart-shaped candy boxes?"

"Well, we are sold out of the traditional 'two-hump' hearts. But we do still have a considerable amount of unihump hearts left." The clerk forced a smile.

"It's an upside-down raindrop."

"No! It's a unihump heart. The unihump symbolizes the . . . one-ness . . . of the love you have . . . Yeah, okay, it's an upside-down raindrop."

I better get a bunch of royalties for this when the unihump heart catches on. Here is just one great example of how awesome these can be. How better to express your love than with a unihump heart?


  1. This is a beautiful idea. Just beautiful. Plus, if you hold a regular heart upside down it kinda looks like breasts. And that's just wrong.

  2. I like this idea-- and it will catch on. I site "pet rocks".

  3. its good because its reminds your lover of a cherry sno-cone.

  4. From now on, I'm totally using this. *laughs*
