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Thursday, April 15, 2010

There's a Nap for That

Rip van Winkle shot awake. "Why do I have a beard?" he said scratching it. Then it dawned on him, "I must have been asleep for years. I'm in the future!"

Rip raced to the local coffee shop his friends used to hang out at. Justin was sitting in the corner. "Hey, Rip," he called, "Long time no see."

"Yeah, I know."

"Check it out," Justin said smugly, "an iPad."

Rip eyed it over warily. "This isn't right. Why is it bigger than an iPhone, but has less functionality?" Then it dawned on Rip again, "Unless . . . I slept backwards through time!"


  1. I know. I know. I'm a little late to the make-fun-of-the-iPad scene... so sue me. (Please do not sue me.)

  2. Sigh. I wish I could sleep backwards through time.

    This did make me LOL, though.
