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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Candyman

"We've tried taking out the Sulk with bombs and bullets, then we tried psychiatry, but that didn't work," General Oppenheimer explained to the gathering of military officials, "so now we've decided to kill the beast . . . with kindness! Say hello to the Candyman."

A good-natured man with a perpetual smile and creepy mustache approached, "Good evening, officers. Anyone care for a lollipop?"

Three hands rose.

General Oppenheimer continued, "He can take a sunrise, sprinkle it in dew, cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two."

"Who can?"

"The Candyman can. He mixes it with love and makes the world taste good."

To be continued . . .


More adventures of the Incredible Sulk


  1. I was going to continue the song because that's my thing, but I don't want to step on your toes concerning the future stories with him.

  2. I think that would have been all right. It's not like you can spoil a 40-year-old song.
