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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Enter Le French Stereotype

"Stop right there, Le French Stereotype," Lead Man's voice reverberated inside his helmet.

"Sacrebleu!" said a man in a beret and a striped shirt, "You will never stop me, Lead Man! It is too late! Oh-hoh-hoh!"

The two men stood poised on the roof of the Oldies 95 station.

"I have already coupled my 'French-ifying' Ray with le radio tower! Soon all the citizens of St. Louis shall become French wussies! Oh-hoh-hoh!"

"Not on my watch!" Lead Man let fly a fist, but was blocked by a stale piece of French bread.

"You see, I am just full of surprises, non?"

More adventures of the Impregnable Lead Man

Sketch of Le French Stereotype

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