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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Fateful Suggestion

Dwayne Jackson arrived at the St. Louis Canaries training field having recently signed with the minor league baseball team. However, something seemed amiss.

"Who's that?" Dwayne asked one of the veteran players.

"That's our batboy."

"The overweight middle-aged guy?"

"Fred Allen owns the team–extremely wealthy–but he has a few eccentricities. Obsessive compulsive."

Fred Allen interrupted, "Hello, my good chums! Did you know that 'bat' can refer to this bludgeoning instrument or a flying mammal? Homonyms I hear they're called!"

"You should do something with that," Dwayne offered.

"Maybe I will," Fred said stroking his cleft chin, "Maybe I will."

This is part one of two of the Batboy saga. Stay tuned tomorrow! Same bat-time! Same bat-blog!

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