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Thursday, September 10, 2009

If You Give a Rhinoceros a Cookie

If you give a rhinoceros a cookie, he's going to want all of your cookies. All of them. Rhinos don't mess around when it comes to cookies. You'll be all like, "Hey, those are my cookies!" But he'll be like, "I'm a rhino. What're you gonna do about it?" Then you'll be cookieless.

But it doesn't stop there. After the rhinoceros takes all your cookies, then he's going to take your milk. Again, all of it. The entire gallon. Then he'll burn down your house, because he happens to also be an arsonist.

As rhinoceroses go, you picked a nasty one.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this one is really funny as well as that last one...I'll just have to read it again because they are like a box of chocolates...wait, I didn't make-up that comparison...
