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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Year Santa Stole Christmas- Part 2

Gifutoman had taken the world by storm. Children everywhere had abandoned Santa Claus for the sleek new Japanese character that brought gifts to children on Christmas and then battled gigantic robotic dinosaurs from the future.

"Gifutoman Super Kurisumasu GX has completely replaced all of the classic Christmas standards: Rudolph, Frosty, Shrek the Halls," Jangle listed.

Santa pounded his plump fist on his desk, "Not Shrek the Halls!"

"Kids just love the anime Japanese stuff nowadays," Jangle said, "It was a matter of time."

"No!" Santa's cheeks reddened like roses . . . angry roses. "I refuse to be ousted by a cheap Japanese knock-off!"

To be continued . . .