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Friday, June 27, 2008

Guardian Angels

Two guardian angels entered the heavenly locker room at the same time.

"Hey, Gamaliel. You just got back from assignment?"

"Sure did, Hananel. I made sure he lived to a ripe old age."

"I hear performance reviews are coming up. If you keep this up, you're almost a shoe-in for a promotion."

"I don't like to brag, but this one's in the bag," Gamaliel made an imaginary free-throw shot. "Swoosh!"

"So who's your next assignment?"

"Some American kid. Those kids are so pampered! This will be like a vacation for me."

Later on earth. . .

"Hey! Let's go play in the Interstate!"


  1. I had to direct Jeremy, age 17, to this story this afternoon-- he just set up the charcoal grill, and lit it, but had the two bottles of lighter fluid sitting on the grill rack, inches from the shooting fire. So close in fact that one of the bottles began to melt. I watched as he removed the bottles and impending doom of explosion.

  2. "Inflammable means flammable?! What a country!"
